Guidelines for Building User Groups
Covenant is the fundamental principle underlying and informing these guidelines. Persons using the facilities are in convenantal relationship with Memorial United Church of Christ. This relationship rests on the understanding that users will exercise every responsibility in their use and care of the facilities.
The purpose of the following guidelines is to facilitate this congregation’s practice of hospitality. The guidelines are offered to insure that use of the building will be to the mutual benefit of both groups using the building and the congregation.
Building use must be consistent with the purposes and practices of Memorial United Church of Christ.
- With the exception of congregational activities and programs, requests for the use of the building are to be cleared with the Church Administrator (608-273-1008) if requested date for use is less than 30 days.
- Requests for use are to be presented at least 30 days before the desired date of use.
- When scheduling, every effort is to be made to avoid conflicts of time and space. In some instances (for example, a funeral), it may be necessary to reschedule an event previously planned for the church building.
- Our church has a firm No Smoking policy which includes the building proper as well as the patio areas at each entryway.
- A user group may use only the space assigned to that group.
- Other than tables and chairs, user groups are to furnish their own equipment and supplies.
- Food and beverages are to be limited to the Fellowship Hall and kitchen area.
- All users of the building are required to leave the premises in good order, including the clean-up of trash.
- Building users are to pay for any property damage or expenses that occur as a result of the group’s use.
- No event is to go beyond 10:00 p.m.
- No area is to be reserved for the exclusive use of one particular group.
Memorial UCC wants to be a gracious host and asks that groups using the building do so as gracious guests.