Home / Worship


What is worship like at Memorial UCC? Well, it’s thought-provoking and engaging.

We worship at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings. You can join us in our sanctuary on Lacy Rd. or on YouTube.

At the 10 a.m. service (and during worship at 9:30 in the summer) the nursery is available to children through 4 years of age. We share communion on the first Sunday of the month. We invite all who follow Jesus to join us for communion. We use bread, but we also have communion wafers available for those who would like them that are free of gluten, wheat, casein, dairy, yeast, egg, soy, nut, low/no sodium. We serve both wine and grape juice.

Our pastor begins the service by welcoming the congregation and calling them to a time of worship.

The service continues with the singing of hymns, special music (choir, bells, or instrumental), a time with children, scripture readings, and a reflection that provides contemporary meaning to Christ’s teachings. Following the sermon there is a sharing of joys and concerns, followed by prayer.

Our scripture readings generally come from what is known as the Revised Common Lectionary – selections of readings sharing by many Christian denominations that rotate through a three-year cycle. Here is an explanation of the Revised Common Lectionary from Wikipedia, here is the official site for the group that has worked on this and here is a link to a site with all of the readings
