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Author: admin

Council minutes for April 11, 2017

Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Sarah Fritz, Rita Elver, Orion Jetzer, Phil Haslanger, Sue Webb, Jan Klawitter and John Van Overbeke Absent: Ryan Estrella, Rebecca Malke Pastor Phil opened with a prayer. Minutes of March 14, 2017: Motion to approve March minutes by Janine, seconded by Sarah, passed. Financial Report: John reports income is a bit above and expenses are a bit below budget. Jan moved and Sue seconded motion to approve report, passed. Trustees Report: John reports Trustees approved expenditure of $500 given to an adult child of member for child care. Th...
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Council minutes for March 14, 2017

Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Rita Elver, Orion Jetzer, Phil Haslanger, Rebecca Malke, Sue Webb, and John Van Overbeke. Absent: Jan Klawitter Guest: Dean Baumgardner, Finance Committee Pastor Phil opened with a prayer. Minutes of February 10, 2017: Motion to approve February minutes by Janine, seconded by Rita, passed. Financial Report: John reports all funds are on target for the year. The Centennial Fund balance is approximately $4,500. Sue moved, seconded by Rita to accept John’s financial report. Motion passed. Trustees Report: John...
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Council minutes for Feb. 14, 2017

  Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Rita Elver, Orion Jeter, Phil Haslanger, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, Sue Webb, and John Van Overbeke. Absent: None Guest: Mary Ircink, parish nurse Pastor Phil opened with a prayer. Minutes of January 10, 2017: Motion to approve January minutes by Jan, seconded by Janine, passed. Officers and Trustees: Motion to approve new slate of officers and trustees by Jan, seconded by Sue, passed. Jacy Boldebuck will serve as President; Sarah Fritz will serve as Vice President; John Van Overbeke will serve as...
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Trinity, Immigration and Domestic Violence

This is the text of a brief reflection from Pastor Phil on the concept of the Trinity and then what our understanding of God might mean in a world of immigrants and refugees and those among them who find them selves trapped in violent relationships. Megan Sprecher, an attorney for End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, joined Phil in a conversation after his brief reflection. Resources that she provided for those who would like to know how to help are posted after the reflection. Thanks to Megan for her presentation. Today's texts - 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 and Matthew 28: 16-20 I’d like to...
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100 Years Bold

Today's Texts: Acts 2: 1-21 and John 6:1-13 The reflection for our Centennial was given by Rev. Franz Rigert, the conference minister for the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ. He talked about how in its 100 years, Memorial UCC has had a spirit abundance and generosity, of reformation and adaptability, of a commitment to justice and a vision of collaboration and partnerships. Here is a link to the video of his sermon. It is about 18 minutes long.
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Is Jesus Missing?

I’d like to make the case that Jesus is in that intersection between prayer and action. Today's Texts: 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 and John 17:1-11 First, think back to these opening words from the letter we heard from the community that had gathered around Peter, the leader of the Apostles: “Dear friends, don’t be surprised about the fiery trials that have come among you to test you. These are not strange happenings.” Those sound like some words we can relate to in our era. Now think about those final words from Jesus with his closest followers at that meal they had the night b...
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Talk Less, Smile More

Words from Burr to Hamilton might have made sense to both Peter and Paul in the early days of Christianity - with a slight twist. Today's texts: 1 Peter 3: 13-22 and Acts 17: 22-31 Early in the hit musical Hamilton, the two central characters meet for the first time. One, of course, is Alexander Hamilton, the orphaned immigrant you see on the $10 bill who became George Washington’s right-hand man during the American Revolution, whose writings helped shape the U.S. Constitution and then who became the nation’s first secretary of the Treasury. The other is Aaron Burr, also an orp...
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Room to Spare

I want to stay with the images, because I think they open some windows for us to look into the world and become part of its transformation – even as we are transforming ourselves. Today's texts - 1 Peter 2:2-10 and John 14:1-14  I am wondering what you are feeling like this morning. Are you feeling like a newborn baby, nourished by your mother’s milk? Are you feeling like a stone on the road? Or maybe like a stone kicked aside? Are you feeling a bit homeless, wandering the world and wondering if there is a room for you somewhere? Or are you feeling like part of a royal pr...
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Back on the Road

The story of meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus reflects disappointments and hopes, misunderstandings and then understandings, loneliness and community, distrust and renewed trust, a time of hunger and a meal shared. Today's texts - Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 and Luke 24: 13-35 And Jesus said to them, “What are you talking about as you walk along?” They stopped, their faces downcast. Have you ever been in a situation like this? You encounter someone who seems really distressed. Or you are the one feeling distressed and someone asks you what’s wrong. From either side of the conver...
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Resurrection Stories

These are stories that might give us hope at a time when hope can seem in short supply. Today's texts - John 20: 1-18 and Acts 10: 34-43 For Morgan William, new life came on a basketball court. For Billie Moore, new life came on death row. For Garry Civitello, it came in conversation with a woman named Heather McGhee. I’m going to tell you a bit about their stories today because I think that in a variety of ways, they illustrate some of the central themes of Jesus’ resurrection story: life emerging out of death, goodness overcoming evil. I think their stories might give us h...
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