A brief MUCC congregational meeting held immediately after the 10:00 service on May 31, 2015. A quorum of 52 was present.
The meeting opened by Jacy Boldebuck with a brief summary and background of the Wisconsin Conference Capitol Campaign followed by a synopsis of council’s process and proposed response.
The motion recommended by the Council – That MUCC establishes a goal of $5,000 year over the next 3 years (including matching #2,500 each year from the endowment fund) to be raised by the congregation, without a formal campaign or pledge drive.
Ted Peterson made the motion to approve and Dean Baumgardner seconded the motion. The only discussion was a question of council as whether or not they were confident that the UCC Camps were good stewards of funds. Jacy indicated that council was moving forward with the assumption that the UCC Camps had provided sufficient information about their plans/intentions for the funding and that the Council was satisfied with the current plan.
The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
A motion to adjourn was made by John Van Overbeke and the meeting was concluded.
Minutes by Jon Boldebuck