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Council and Committees

Memorial United Church of Christ is a congregation that has authority over its own business. We are part of the United Church of Christ – a national denomination. The UCC has a statewide organization called the Wisconsin Conference. We are also part of a regional group known as the Southwest Wisconsin Association. While we have close relationships with the regional, state and national levels of our denomination and work closely with them in many ways, we are an independent entity.

The congregation meeting as a body is the final authority on all church business. The congregation elects a council, which runs the business of the church on an on-going basis. There are numerous committees that handle the day-to-day work of the church.

Our Constitution

Here is the Constitution for our congregation.


The Council is the executive body of Memorial UCC. It is composed of the pastors and eight elected Council members, plus the financial secretary, treasurer and recording secretary. The Council generally meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Mark Hanson
Marcy Brant
Laura Mengar
Ada Aeschliman
Barb Stransky
Cindy Rosch
Kim Thoresen
Jen Williams


Our committees provide a way for many members of the congregation to be involved in the work and ministry of Memorial UCC. These are our committees, with the current chair listed next to it.

Faith Development – Dianna Johnson
Membership  – Laura Mengar and Kelly Planton
Outreach – Kim Thoresen
Trustees – Dean Baumgardner
Building and Grounds – Wade Kuhl
Stewardship – Laura Mengar
Worship – Mark Sieger

Members of the Trustees are responsible for the care and custody of church property. This includes both physical property and financial assets. The activity of this committee is defined by the church by-laws, including responsibilities of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary. The Endowment Fund is administered by the Trustees. The Stewardship Committee is a subcommittee of the Trustees for conducting the annual pledge drive to underwrite the operating budget of Memorial Church.
