Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting
April 10, 2018
Present: Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sara Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke, John Van
Overbeke, and Sue Webb
Absent: Janine Bessemer, Rita Elver and Jan Klawitter
Guests: John Rosch and Dean Baumgardner
Pastor Kris opened with a prayer.
Sarah made a motion to approve the March minutes. Kelly seconded. Passed.
Solar Energy Grant
Dean, for the Buildings & Grounds Committee, reports on a solar energy project for MUCC’s roof. The
roof is strong enough to hold the equipment and is an excellent alternative for the grant. Operating
costs would be low, and the congregation would likely produce most of its own energy saving
approximately $4,000 per operating year.
It will be necessary to call a special congregation meeting to approve the project. A $10,000 grant
request has already been submitted to Solar for Good but could be withdrawn if the congregation does
not approve the request. Grant recipients will be notified by April 25th MG&E may provide an additional
$4,000 towards the project
Community Orchards
John R., for the Trustees, requests approval to have volunteers plant and maintain fruit trees on MUCC
property. Once fruit it produced it will be provided free to neighbors. The proposal is to plant 2 peach
trees and revitalize the existing apple trees, eventually adding up to a total of 6 new trees. Kelly moved,
seconded by Ryan, to approve plan.
Trustees Report
John indicates that Trustees have placed $60,000 in the stock market and purchased an $80,000 CD.
Pastor’s Report
Kris reports great participation in recent events: 128 attended Palm Sunday worship; 25 were at the
Maundy Thursday meal prepared and provided by Wade Richardson-James; 25 at Good Friday worship
and 194 at Easter services.
The Care Team included Brian James-Richardson, Tiffany Roltgen and Donna Mullaly. Donna will serve as
coordinator for the first six months and then rotate to another member.
Meal Train providing meals to those who need a little TLC is working well and sign up can be by paper or
Music Makers (Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra) will now be using 2 kitchen cupboards as well the
room that used to be the Parish Nurses space. Furniture will also be shifting moving the Pastor’s office
to the front of the building.
Personnel Committee includes Pastor Kris, Jen Ambord, Al Krug, Terri Hoffman and Cathy Halpin. Since
both Trustees and Council have requested updating paid leave tracking the committee will start there.
Also plans include scheduled review sessions, updating position descriptions, creating organization
charts and possibly, wage surveys in the Madison area.
Kris will be attending a Worker Justice Wisconsin Labor breakfast. She will talk to the Outreach
Committee to explore possible sponsorship of the group with MUCC funding.
Kris’s computer has died. Although she is borrowing a computer from a family member, John O.
indicates new technology is a legitimate use of MUCC funds.
Kris has been assisting the City of Fitchburg to develop a Chaplaincy program and must now either
pledge to be part of the program or bow out. Council recommends she defer joining the program for a
full year to be reevaluated at that time.
Kris will be making a shout-out the Pastor’s discretionary fund over the next few weeks.
Faith Development Director Report
A MUCC field trip to see the movie, Paul, has been cancelled as the movie has already left theaters. The
Challenge of Paul class will continue through the week of April 18th.
160 eggs were provided for the Easter Egg Hunt; all found in less than 15 minutes.
Temple Beth El tour and worship went well. Anyone wishing to go to Circle Sanctuary on April 21st for
Earth Day is welcome.
The Great Lakes Youth conference has changed the age of eligible attendees, thus only 2 youth will be
attending. Rebecca may lead a Dr. Who and Theology discussion at this conference.
Youth will be greeting, ushering, passing offering plates, singing and reading liturgy on May 13th at the
10:00 service.
Mystery Friends is working well with 14 adult/youth pairs writing weekly letters to each other.
Committee Reports
Faith Development: Sarah reports there are now enough Sunday School teachers.
Special Events: Janine reports Easter brunch went well. It was great to see many new faces helping too!
May thanks to Al Krug and all his helpers!
Membership: Rita reports fellowship coverage is okay for the next few weeks. Requests for transfers as
members into MUCC and out of MUCC to another congregation should be processed through this
Outreach: No report.
Buildings & Grounds: Ryan indicates there are still issues with the cleanliness of the building.
B&G will be asked to label the defibrillator with MUCC’s street address and phone number to report in
an emergency.
Worship: No report.
Stewardship: Sue indicates that there will be two recipients of the Faith and Service awards. One will be
presented on April 29th and the other later in the year.
Sue also indicates that most of the Stewardship group is reading Not Your Parents Offering Plate.
Council, along with Trustees and the Stewardship Committee will consider if this should be a churchwide
Old Business
Council will start to schedule Committee reports during service (1 a month) including the Stewardship
Congregation conversations/feedback continue including ‘Congregation Conversation’ starters. Council
should consider disseminating the responses via the weekly newsletter.
The church directory updates have become a higher priority. Copies of the existing directory will be
placed in the narthex with members asked to update their information.
New Business
Are we following/responding to visitors who provide names/addresses in the red books? Who is doing
Could we change the recipe for communion bread? It is too crumbly and makes a mess as well as being
Sue moved to adjourn. Passed.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin