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Council Minutes for Feb. 10, 2015

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Approved minutes

Present: Josh Gormley (President of Council), Phil Haslanger (Pastor), Rebecca Malke (Director of Faith Development), John Hilliard (Financial Secretary), Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Sarah Fritz, Jan Klawitter, Jeanne Prueher, Betsy Robbins, Damon Smith.

Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a prayer.

Josh welcomed Jan Klawitter as a new council member.

MINUTES: Josh asked for approval or changes to the minutes of the January meeting. Janine requested two changes to the Adult Programming. Jan indicated she is not doing Bible Study with Danielle Wendt. The minutes of the January 6, 2015 meeting were approved with a motion from Damon Smith and seconded by Jacy Boldebuck. Motion passed.

FINANCIAL REPORT: John Hilliard made some comments to the January Financial Summary. January was in the red due to insurance payments. Special Events was also in the red due to no events held so far in 2015. He noted the Endowment Fund has a surplus available, so asked for Council members to be thinking of ideas of a benevolent nature.

John showed a chart breakdown for 2015 pledges which amounted to 55% of the pledging. They are: 1) Direct Deposit from bank account, 2) Check mailed direct from bank, 3) One time annual payment. 101 pledges were received for 2015 which is the highest number of pledges in John’s 10-year tenure as Financial Secretary. The total amount pledged is $237,000 and from the above three methods, $147,000 is pledged for a breakdown of 62%. He has received suggestions for other forms of payment such as: credit card, smart phone or I Pad apps.

Josh asked for a motion to accept the financial report. Rebecca Malke made the motion and seconded by Janine Bessemer. Motion passed.

PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Phil was very appreciative and gave a heartfelt thank you for bonuses to himself and other staff members, as well as gift cards to himself and staff members. He mentioned he attended the Social Media Conference in Indianapolis, IN from January 29-31, 2015. He also gave a list of activities during January and said what a treat it is to do his job. He is a member of the Wisconsin Conference UCC Search Committee looking for two associate conference ministers. He has been approached by a retired chaplain asking to use MUCC space for spiritual direction. More discussion of the Chaplain’s request will be held when Pastor Phil gathers more information. The summer church service was reviewed and the first one for the season will be held on Sunday, June 14, 2015 and the start time as per the member survey is 9:30 AM.

FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Rebecca Malke thanked the Council for the gift card and bonus she received and indicated she was blown away by the gesture. She reported there are 16 members signed up for the Chazen Museum Tour which is Thursday, February 12, at 1:30 p.m. Danielle Wendt’s first Bible Study class was attended by only four due to bad weather, but more members are signed up for future classes. Ellen Reuter and Rebecca’s Bible Study class will be attended by 10-12 members and will commence in mid-February. Rebecca has plans to network with other UCC Faith Formation Directors with the first meeting being held at MUCC. In April, she will be attending a Christian Education Retreat at Pilgrim Center in Green Lake, WI.

ELECTION OF COUNCIL OFFICERS: Josh indicated his willingness to remain as President of the Council. Jacy is willing to continue serving as Vice President. John Hilliard, Financial Secretary, has secured John VanOverbeke as his replacement. John V. is very familiar with the financial system, plus his knowledge of spread sheets, charts, etc. His one stipulation is to not attend the monthly Council meetings. He will provide a monthly Financial Report to be reviewed at each meeting. John H. will continue after his resignation by assisting John V., as needed. John H. recommended John V. to the Council for approval. John H. indicated that John V. plans to administer Church Windows, our data base software.
Jay Schad will remain as Treasurer and Jan Dunaway as the new Recording Secretary. Josh asked for a motion to elect the ballot of officers as stated. Jan Klawitter made the motion and seconded by Sarah Fritz. Motion passed.

Pastor Phil gave accolades to John for his ten years as Financial Secretary by saying he has kept the Council on track. Pastor Phil indicated he and the Council would like to thank John personally for his service. Jacy also indicated the respect he has earned for his approach to financial suggestions or requests.

ELECTION OF TRUSTEES: John read a list of the Trustees for 2015. They are: Dean Baumgardner, Jon Boldebuck, Denise Brandl, Gary Johnson, Jay Schad and John Van Overbeke. Josh asked for a motion from the Council to approve the Trustee members for 2015. Jacy Boldebuck made the motion with a second by Damon Smith. Motion passed.


Faith Development: Sarah gave a report from the meeting held on Monday, February 9. Rebecca is arranging for nursery staffing for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week services, plus the Evening of Music. Donation bins have been set up for various requested clothing items, plus granola bars for Aldo Leopold Elementary School. There is a tentative craft time planned for kids during the Easter service. The Easter breakfast will be held between church services. The Easter egg hunt will be held after second church service. Rebecca plans to have a curricula determined for the next school year by May 2015 with a brochure and updated church website. An additional teacher is required for spring session (March 1 – June 7). There will be no school on March 15 due to Spring Play or Easter on April 5. The committee is considering offering an Our Whole Lives (OWL) course for fourth – sixth graders. It would be taught by trained instructors with the possibility of offering a specific OWL topic such as gender identity.

Trustees did not hold a January meeting. Pastor Phil, Josh and Gary Johnson attended a meeting for the Campital Campaign. The Council watched an 8-minute video of the Outdoor Ministry Program of the Wisconsin Conference United Church of Christ at Moon Beach and Pilgrim Center. The Campital Campaign has three desired goals of raising $3,000,000 or $5,000,000 or $8,000,000. At the March Council meeting, two representatives will be promoting the program to the Council members. The Trustees will also watch the video and make their recommendations to the Council. The congregation will be asked to vote on this.

Pastor Phil asked the Council members to send their questions regarding the Campital Campaign to Josh and Josh will create a Google document with his questions and he will add the members questions.

Adult Programming: Janine talked with Jackie Niedhart and Al Krug who are the primary organizers for the Chili Cook Off and Easter Breakfast. They do not wish to see the Adult Programming disband. Janine is continuing to search for a new Chairperson. Pastor Phil indicated Al is on target for the Easter Breakfast on April 5 and Jill Carlson will head the organization of the Garage Sale on April 24 and 25.

Membership: Betsy announced that Bonnie VanOverbeke is the new chair of the committee. Betsy requested recordings of each church service for Doris Knaack. Jacy will deliver them to her each week.

Outreach: Jan gave the report that $150 of Outreach money will be used to purchase tickets for the Faith and Labor Breakfast.

Worship: Phil reported that the worship committee is expanding and brain storming new ideas for Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday on February 18. The committee purchased new fabric and Cindy Rosch stitched it for the Lenten season.

Building and Grounds: Damon reported that Mikos Pitas is working on an Eagle Scouts project which needs to be completed before he turn 18. Damon will ask Mikos to draft plans with Dean Baumgardner, David Ast and Damon overseeing the draft. Mikos will be asked to present his ideas and plan to the Council at the March or April meeting.

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Merry Spangler will be retiring on May 17, 2015. The criteria for a new Director of Music has been developed. It is a part time position of 10 hours average per week. The position requires coordination and scheduling with other music groups such as: Bell Choir and Instrumental. The committee has set March 27, 2015 as the deadline for applicants. John Hilliard complimented the committee on the Director of Music proposal and requirements. Josh requested a motion to approve the Director of Music description. Janine Bessemer made the motion with a second by Damon Smith. Motion passed.

COUNCIL RETREAT: The Council will meet on February 17, 2015 @ 7:00 PM in the Youth Room of MUCC for a retreat to set goals for 2015. Plans are to review the Council goals, review of last year’s goals and consider where to lead the congregation this year.

LOOSE PLATE OFFERING: The Trustees and Council have voted Yes with a strong recommendation for the Outreach Program to handle monthly the loose plate offering for outreach efforts. Jan indicated each month the committee will choose one organization to be supported by the loose plate offering. She indicated there was $2,000 less donated money available in 2014 due to members not using the quarterly envelopes for Giving Locally. Josh entertained the motion to approve loose plate offering be handled and approved by Outreach. Jacy Boldebuck made the motion with a second by Betsy Robbins. Motion passed.

COMMITTEE LIAISONS: Josh asked each member if they choose to stay on their 2014 committees. The 2015 committee liaisons follows:

Outreach Jan Klawitter
Faith Formation Sarah Fritz
Trustees Jacy Boldebuck
Adult Programming Janine Bessemer
Membership Jeanne Prueher
Worship Betsy Robbins
Building/Grounds Damon Smith

Josh asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jacy Boldebuck made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Jeanne Prueher.

Minutes submitted by Jan Dunaway, Recording Secretary
