Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting
January 8, 2019
Present: Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke and Sue Webb
Absent: Janine Bessemer, Rita Elver and Jan Klawitter
Guest: Gary Johnson
Kris opened with a reading from The Soul’s Slow Ripening
Kelly made a motion to approve the modified December minutes. Sarah seconded. Passed.
Trustees & Financial Report: John reports final 2018 income was $5,085 less than budgeted; expenses were $8,241 less than budgeted for a net surplus of $3,156 for the year.
MUCC ‘s cookie walk resulted in $3,800 for scholarships.
Gary discussed the 2019 draft budget. 2019 income is expected to be lower than the amounts budgeted in 2018 but down only slightly ($71) from the 2018 amounts actually collected. Expenses in 2019 are budgeted to expend all income collected in 2019.
Sue moved and Kelly seconded a motion to approve the 2019 budget to be presented at the MUCC annual meeting in late January. Motion approved.
Pastor’s Report
Pastor Kris reminds everyone to update Barb St. John of meeting dates so Barb can keep the office calendar updated.
Several new members will be joining MUCC on January 13th and we continue to have lots of visitors.
Kris is sending letters and meeting with youth (approximately 13 students in 7th through 12th grade) and their families to determine their thoughts on confirmation planning.
Great attendance throughout December: 20 for the Luke House Fundraiser, 25 for Longest Night, 117 December 23rd, 215 December 24th. On Sunday December 30th there were 9 at the early service and 72 at the 10:00: perhaps we should discuss 2019 single service on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year.
Faith Development Director’s Report
Rebecca reports teachers are ready for Sunday School to restart.
The First Friday Fellowship is going well, averaging approximately 13 per session. In January Marty Smith spoke about historical accuracy in the bible. His topic was very well received with lots of great questions from participants. Thank you, Marty!
MUCC will be viewing and discussing Doctrine of Discovery video links, worshipping with the Ho Cak in Black River Falls in February and holding discussions in preparation for denominational action later in 2019.
Committee Reports
Faith Development: No report
Special Events: Need to schedule the chili cook-off, night of music, and an open house at the Gorton’s.
Membership: No report
Outreach: No report
Buildings & Grounds: No report.
Worship: Kelly reports they are updating the lists of ushers and liturgists. They also recently took down Christmas/Advent decorations and will be meeting to plan for Lent soon.
Old Business
Annual Meeting: The annual meeting is scheduled for January 27th. Jan, Rita and Janine are all leaving the council and three new members will be elected. The 2019 budget will be presented and voted upon. Kris will facilitate a slide show during the time leading up to speakers and Rebecca will ready a ‘word bingo’ game to play during the presentations.
Kelly moved that MUCC change its ‘open and affirming statement’ to include gender ID. Sarah seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Jacy has made an application for a 90 minute Active Shooter training option for July 2019. In the meantime, Fitchburg PD Don Bomkamp will do a walk-through our spaces for common sense suggestions for safety.
Motion to adjourn passed.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin