Draft minutes
Present: Pastor Phil Haslanger, Rebecca Malke, Jacy Boldebuck, Damon Smith, Jan Klawitter, Janine Bessemer, Josh Gormley, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, and John Van Overbeke (for financial report); Absent: Orion Jetzer
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a prayer.
The Minutes for the March, 2016, meeting were moved for approval by Ryan, which was seconded by Jan and passed.
The Financial Report was presented by John in a new format that more closely resembles the year-end report. John summarized that this first quarter has concluded with income favorable to budget by almost $4,000 (attributable to non-pledge income), and with expenses favorable to budget by $1446. Josh moved to approve the financial report, which was seconded by Damon and passed.
John also presented the Trustees Report:
- The trustees have approved a “campership” for a child to attend camp at the Pilgrim Center this summer. Campership applications will continue to be reviewed this month.
- The collection for One Great Hour of Sharing, which will be sent to the Conference, totaled $1,174.
- Notification of a donation to MUCC from the estate of Richard Taubert, in the amount of $10,000, was recently received.
The Pastor’s Report was presented by Pastor Phil:
- The new logo for MUCC has been chosen, and T-shirts with our logo are being printed in various sizes and colors and will be available for purchase starting this Sunday as a fundraiser for the confirmation trip.
- Our new logo can also be seen on flyers and in a Fitchburg Star ad for our upcoming garage sale
- Membership numbers continue to grow, with two new members (Brian and Wade James-Richardson) joining the church in the next month, and two others likely to join in the near future.
- A WI UCC event, “Break the Silence Sunday,” will take place April 24th and will bring awareness to the topic of sexual assault. Erin Thornley, the director of the Rape Crisis Center, will speak during the service, and there will be a loose plate collection for this organization.
- The children’s play is scheduled for both services on May 1st.
- Easter attendance this year was above average, with 216 people between the two services, the highest number in recent years.
- There were five people from our congregation who recently attended a Madison Area Urban Ministry luncheon.
- MUCC will be hosting a meeting 4/19 for city leaders to discuss West Fitchburg challenges, and MUCC will be hosting a Clergy Retirement Workshop 5/10.
The Faith Development Report was presented by Rebecca:
- The Easter egg hunt went smoothly, with the help of three of the confirmands.
- There will be a speaking event hosted by MUCC on 4/25 on the topic of healthcare navigation for LGBT seniors.
- Sunday worship attendance by children has steadily risen during the past couple years, with a first quarter average of 19 children this year (up from 13 children two years ago).
The Committee Reports were given:
Faith Development: Sarah reported that this committee met 3/20 and discussed the topics of adult spirituality opportunities, one-room school house changes, teacher recruitment, summer Sunday school curriculum, bible options for the 3rd graders, and OWL.
Special Events: Jacy reported that the preparations for the upcoming garage sale are underway. There have been many donations of items and people expressing interest in helping out. The confirmands will be assisting with clean-up.
Membership: Ryan reported that this committee will be meeting tomorrow.
Outreach: Jan updated that loose plate collections will go to the Rape Crisis Center during the 2nd quarter and The Crossing during the 3rd quarter. Jan will be inquiring about the “Dignity Bags” that were proposed by Chris Rhode for distribution to kids at risk for sexual trafficking in the area.
Worship: Pastor Phil reported that after the children’s play the sanctuary will be decorated for Pentecost.
Building and Grounds: Damon reported that the next committee meeting will be during the last week of April, and that May 14th will be the date of the Spring Clean-Up.
Old Business: Jacy reported that there is a committee looking into the sound system and the computer at the church for possible improvements to be made in the future.
New Business: Pastor Phil reported that the hiring committee for the Office Manager position consists of Janine Bessemer, Jay Schad and himself, and they have completed a job description in preparation for Jean’s upcoming retirement. A motion to accept this description, with a couple minor changes, was made by Josh, seconded by Jan and passed. It is the hope that an applicant can be hired and ready to start by 6/21. Jean’s last day will be 7/8.
Jacy has consulted with Joanne Thomson, our association minister, who advised about the nomination process for the pastoral search committee. The plan is for the council to finalize a list of desirable traits for a nominee and for Jacy to present this list of traits to the congregation in early May, with encouragement to submit nominations (including self-nominations) by email or paper. A nomination committee consisting of 3 council members and a member of the trustees will then review all of the nominations and select a group of seven for a search committee that is optimally balanced. This slate of names will then be discussed at the August council meeting and presented to the congregation in early September.
Next council meeting: Tuesday May 10th
Josh moved to adjourn.
Minutes submitted by Sarah Fritz