First Friday Fellowship
December 4 at 11:30 am
Join us for First Friday Fellowship on Friday, December 4th at 11:30 AM via Zoom as we have a conversation about Christmas Then and Now. Christmas traditions have changed, and many have disappeared. It is a challenge to maintain some of our favorite traditions that we have cherished during the Pandemic but might not carry out this year. We will watch a short video on Five Christmas Traditions from the Fifties that have disappeared, although some have made a reappearance. The group will discuss these and other family traditions in an informal conversation via Zoom. Wear your favorite Christmas sweater or your Pjs while you drink a cup of tea, coffee, or hot cider, and we chat about Christmas Then and Now. You might want to bring something for Show and Tell, such as a favorite ornament or decoration.
email us for the links you will need: